10 of your most embarrassing questions about penis health, answered

Dr Aaron Spitz, urologist and author of “The Penis Book: The Doctor’s Complete Guide to the Penis – From Size to Function and Everything in Between” spoke to answering a host of questions about penis size, STDs, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, injuries and more.

The penis is an organ that can be hard to discuss transparently — particularly on the off chance that you have stresses over its wellbeing, size, or how it’s working.

Are there any pills that can truly make my penis greater?

pills hand

Sadly, it isn’t so straightforward.

“There are no pills that will build the size of your penis, however pills will make that guarantee,” Spitz said. “What they’re truly doing is they may build some blood stream to your penis, so your penis is greater headed to turning out to be erect, yet the genuine size of the erection isn’t getting any greater.”

Would i be able to make my penis bigger with medical procedure?

surgery doctor

There are two sorts of strategies in this classification: Those that guarantee to extend the penis, and systems that guarantee to make the penis thicker.

In extending methodology, a specialist cuts the suspensory tendon, which connects the penis to the pubic bone and helps hold the erect penis at an upward point.

“By cutting off that tendon, it permits the flabby penis to drop down a smidgen from the pubic bone, yet just when it’s limp, not when it’s erect,” Spitz said. “[These] methods are truly optical dreams.”

There are strategies that can expand penis circumference, he added, yet they don’t really change the size of the corpora cavernosa — the two next to each other chambers inside the penis that load up with blood and become inflexible during an erection. All things being equal, a specialist adds to the delicate tissue between those chambers and the skin, utilizing building specialists or fat.

“The circumference is expanded whether it’s flabby or erect, yet it’s not really making the chambers that become erect [any] bigger,” Spitz said.

He additionally advised that medical procedures that aren’t done handily could bring about distortions, scarring, fiery responses, or shortening of the penis. Besides, Spitz said, “by far most” of individuals who are interested about these tasks as of now have a penis that is typically measured.

How enormous is the normal penis, truly?


In 2015, scientists at King’s College London evaluated 20 past examinations on penis size, breaking down various penis estimations (like bigness, limp length, and erect length) for up to 15,500 men.

They found the normal limp penis was about 3.6 inches long, while the normal erect penis was about 5.2 inches long.

In an explanation about the exploration, lead creator Dr. David Veale said he accepted the outcomes “will assist specialists with consoling the vast greater part of men that the size of their penis is in the typical reach.”

Is a micropenis a genuine article?

tape measure

“Micropenis” is certifiably not a made-up word — it’s a genuine clinical term used to depict a penis that is more modest than typical. In particular, a micropenis gauges under 5.2 centimeters when delicate, Spitz wrote in “The Penis Book.”

It happens when the balls of a male hatchling don’t make enough testosterone while the penis is creating. (This testosterone insufficiency, thusly, can be brought about by hereditary conditions, or it might have an obscure reason)

Yet, Spitz composed, a great many people who do have micropenis have “satisfying close sexual connections” as grown-ups.

Is it typical for my penis to have a slight bend?

man boxers

Spitz said it’s “very ordinary” for a penis to have a gentle bend when erect.

There are a few situations when the penis can bend all the more strongly, notwithstanding. In Peyronie’s illness, scar tissue develops inside the penis, at last making it bend or twist.

“The point can be gentle or it tends to be serious to such an extent that the penis is really bending back toward the individual’s mid-region,” Spitz said. The reason for Peyronie’s isn’t completely seen, however it’s believed that it very well might be set off by unobtrusive, monotonous wounds during sex, he added. A few cases resolve all alone with treatment, however others may require prescriptions, infusions, or medical procedure.

Others might be brought into the world with a bended penis in light of the fact that their corpora cavernosa aren’t evenly adjusted.

“Much of the time, this is mellow and doesn’t need any treatment, yet in serious cases, it would require careful adjustment,” Spitz said.

Does penis size have anything to do with foot size or finger length?

typing laptop

Spitz said that a few examinations have noticed a “mellow” interface between penis length and tallness, shoe size, the size of the pointer finger, and the proportion between the pointer and ring finger sizes.

However, on the grounds that these frail affiliations are found in enormous gatherings of individuals, he said, doesn’t mean they remain constant from individual to person.

Could my penis break?

emergency room

There’s no bone inside the penis that can break, yet the chamber formed corpora cavernosa can burst.

“At the point when the penis is erect, the [cylinders] are unbending in light of the fact that they’re loaded up with blood under high tension,” Spitz said.”If you twist them abruptly and seriously the pressing factor gets so extraordinary that they burst like a tire.”

He added that there’s normally a perceptible popping sound, at that point blood will begin to surge from the corpora cavernosa into the delicate tissue underneath the skin, making the penis look “like an eggplant.”

Obviously, a physical issue like this is a crisis that requirements quick treatment.

“Individuals are truly humiliated when it occurs, yet in the event that they don’t come in and get it carefully fixed, it can mend in an irregular way and afterward give you the bowed penis later,” Spitz said. “However, in the event that you come in, for the most part it tends to be fixed pleasantly and patients can typically return to ordinary sexual coexistence after they’re mended up.”

Doesn’t erectile brokenness just occur in more established individuals?

erectile dysfunction

Spitz clarified that erectile brokenness can influence individuals of all ages, yet in youthful, in any case solid individuals, it regularly occurs for mental reasons.

Say, for instance, a youngster had an issue getting an erection for a coincidental explanation, such as being smashed or simply having a terrible day. At that point, the following time they attempt to have intercourse, they feel uneasiness, stressing whether it’ll happen once more. That nervousness prompts the body to deliver the chemical adrenaline, which diminishes blood stream to the penis.

“At that point it turns into this endless loop on the grounds that the following time the folks goes, ‘I trust I don’t experience difficulty having an erection as I did the last multiple times,'” setting off additional tension and adrenaline, Spitz said.

In more seasoned individuals, be that as it may, the most widely recognized reason for ED is disintegration of veins, Spitz said. As age builds, veins begin to get stiffer and smaller don’t extend as a lot to take into account blood stream to the penis during seasons of excitement.

Is there anything I can do about untimely discharge?

sperm microscope

Untimely discharge (PE) — discharging sooner than you or your accomplice needs when engaging in sexual relations — is in reality more normal than erectile brokenness, Spitz wrote in “The Penis Book.” Different investigations have assessed that it influences somewhere in the range of 5% to 30% of men, as indicated by the AUA. It can make sex disappointing and contrarily influence connections, the association adds.

The uplifting news is there are various ways individuals with penises can address the condition, including mental treatment, skin desensitizing creams or showers that decline penis affectability, and antidepressants, which a few specialists recommend off-name to assist with PE.

There are additionally practices that can help you oversee PE in the event that it influences you, as indicated by the AUA. In the stop-start work out, an accomplice invigorates your penis until not long before you discharge, at that point stops until your inclination to climax scatters, at that point begins once more. In the crush technique, an accomplice immovably presses the penis when you are near discharge.

The AUA suggests that you see a specialist for help at whatever point PE meddles with sexual joy.

Will my penis show indications on the off chance that I have a STD?

std testing

Few out of every odd STD will report its essence with terrible genital side effects.

A great many people who get tainted with trichomoniasis and chlamydia don’t have manifestations, as indicated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A great many people with genital herpes don’t realize they have it, in light of the fact that the manifestations might be gentle or confused with another skin condition.

The best way to know without a doubt whether you’re sans std is to get tried.

“You need to look,” said Dr. Charlotte Gaidus, a teacher in the branch of irresistible infections at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. “In the event that you don’t look, you don’t have a clue.”

Nicole Smith

Brasilll Healthy is your ultimate source for inspiration, empowerment, and creativity.

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