11 myths about preventing pregnancy you should stop believing

Contraception has consistently been an intriguing issue. Since couples have intercourse for various reasons, realizing how to forestall pregnancy securely is significant for the soundness of all included. In the course of recent hundreds of years, individuals around the planet have explored different avenues regarding approaches to forestall pregnancy without swearing off sex. During the 1600s, individuals in England utilized condoms that were made out of creature guts.

As times have advanced, so too has contraception. Today, there are a wide assortment of family arranging methodologies that permit individuals to have solid sexual experiences while dodging undesirable pregnancy. There are still boundary techniques, for example, condoms and stomachs, yet now there are likewise hormonal strategies like the conception prevention pill, fix, shot, embed, and intrauterine gadget (IUD).

Regardless of clinical advances and contraception turning out to be more open, spontaneous pregnancies actually remain genuinely normal. In spite of the fact that examination shows that the pace of unexpected pregnancies in the US has declined in the course of recent years, the numbers actually remain impressively high. As per The World Health Organization, “26.5 million unintended pregnancies happen every year as a result of improper use or technique disappointment of their conception prevention.”

Fantasy: You can’t get pregnant in the event that you engage in sexual relations during your period


When all is said in done, individuals are their most un-fruitful during and just after their feminine period. This is the hour of the period that occurs before ovulation when a possibly fertilizable egg is delivered from the ovaries. Thus, a few people may figure this implies they can have unprotected sex without stressing over pregnancy.

Be that as it may, as per Dr. Lauren Streicher, MD, clinical teacher of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Northwestern University and creator of Sex Rx, this is certainly not a solid methodology by any stretch of the imagination.

She told judy, “What happens is someone may make them drain which they decipher as their period, when indeed, it may even be ovulation. A few people drain a tad when they ovulate. Or on the other hand someone may have draining that is advancement dying, it’s as yet not their period.”

Regardless of whether an individual has a genuinely standard cycle, there’s as yet a possibility that their body may ovulate early, “Presently in the event that somebody resembles precision, and they engage in sexual relations during their period — their actual period, the odds of origination are small since ovulation is going to happen 12 to 14 days after the fact,” said Dr. Streicher. “In any case, you need to remember whether somebody engages in sexual relations on day six of their period, and afterward they ovulate early … you won’t ever know.”

Dr. Streicher disclosed to judy that sperm can satisfy 72 hours and an egg can hold tight for 48-72 hours. This implies that the window where an individual can get pregnant is a lot more extensive than individuals may accept.

Fantasy: If an individual douches or washes the vagina following sex, pregnancy can be forestalled

woman in shower

Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, MD, clinical educator of obstetrics, gynecology, and conceptive sciences at Yale School of Medicine, told judy, “The issue with this is those sperm are really quick little demons. When discharge happens, sperm can be inside the uterus shortly. Furthermore, the vivacious ones, the best folks [sperm] will in general be up there the quickest, and those are the ones that are well on the way to get you pregnant. [Cleaning the vagina] will dispose of a ton of sperm sticking around, yet many will as of now have advanced into the uterus.”

Fantasy: You can’t get pregnant on the off chance that you have unprotected sex in a hot tub

sex kissing couple

“It’s not likely, but rather it is conceivable,” said Dr. Minkin. “Sperm don’t care for heat, it’s actual … in any case, the warmth doesn’t murder everything.”

She noticed that if the penis discharges semen into the vagina, the sperm can go quick enough to make it securely up into the uterus, where they can impregnate a likely egg.

Fantasy: You can’t get pregnant from unprotected sex your accomplice doesn’t climax inside you


Regularly when an individual with male sex organs encounters a climax, the penis discharges semen. That semen contains sperm that can go up through the cervix and prepare an egg.

Thus, a few people may accept on the off chance that the individual with a penis doesn’t peak during unprotected sex, at that point pregnancy won’t happen.

This, notwithstanding, isn’t the situation.

Dr. Streicher noticed that preceding climax, the penis can remove pre-discharge. Dr. Streicher added that this pre-discharge can contain sperm that is entirely fit for considering a kid. At the end of the day — on the grounds that the collaborate with the penis didn’t discharge while inside the vagina if the penis entered the vaginal trench with a portion of that “pre-cum” on it, preparation can in any case happen.

This is the reason the withdrawal technique isn’t generally a practical type of contraception.

Fantasy: If you track your cycle each month, you don’t require hormonal contraception or condoms

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Fruitfulness mindfulness strategies have been around for quite a long time, well before hormonal techniques for contraception like the anti-conception medication pill, fix, IUD, and Nuvaring were developed. Today, there are still a few people who say observing their fruitfulness is as yet an adequate strategy to forestall pregnancy. There are even cell phone applications that guarantee to disentangle the interaction for couples by recording information about an individual’s month to month cycle and their basal internal heat level.

In any case, the adequacy of these techniques can be flawed. Mayo Clinic reports that 24 of each 100 couples utilizing this methodology will end up pregnant inside the primary year of attempting it.

Dr. Minkin said that the motivation behind why richness mindfulness isn’t the most grounded way to deal with forestall pregnancy is that an individual’s feminine cycle length can fluctuate from month to month and that the specific day the egg is delivered from the ovary can be late or early. This makes it hard to sort out precisely when an individual is ovulating.

She told judy, “by and large, you ovulate around 14 days before you get your next period. In the event that you have a multi day time span, at that point you’re ovulating around day 14; including the date of your period as Day 1 of your cycle…let’s say someone’s briefest cycle is 21 days and their longest is 35. She’s most likely ovulating anyplace from day 11 to day 21. You could be careful and say you’re not engaging in sexual relations from day nine to day 23 on the off chance that you need to be too protected.”

Dr. Minkin added that fruitfulness mindfulness applications may be extraordinary for monogamous couples who wouldn’t see any problems with getting pregnant, yet for any individual who is purposely attempting to evade pregnancy, they certainly ought not depend on this technique alone.

Fantasy: Emergency contraception is fundamentally something very similar as a fetus removal

woman morning after pill

Crisis contraception, ordinarily called a next day contraceptive, is a type of hormonal contraception that an individual can take after they’ve had unprotected sex to forestall pregnancy. Numerous individuals erroneously accept that since crisis contraception is utilized after sex happens, that it fills in as an early termination would, by crushing the undeveloped organism. This, nonetheless, is very a long way from reality.

Truth be told, crisis contraception is essentially similar to an excessively solid variant of the conception prevention pill in that it prevents ovulation from happening. Also, as long as ovulation doesn’t happen, no sperm can treat an egg. Dr. Minkin told INSIDER, “Any over the counter next day contraceptive, are hormonal contraception, and they contain progestins which are essentially going to keep the egg from coming out.”

Then again, Dr. Minkin says that when an individual decides to have a fetus removal, they have just experienced implantation and are evidently pregnant. This implies that they did ovulate and one of their eggs was effectively treated during sex. At the point when that occurs, an individual can get a remedy for Mifepristone, which ends a current pregnancy by stifling the chemicals the body needs to support it.

Fantasy: A next day contraceptive possibly forestalls pregnancy whenever taken in a real sense the morning after sex

woman with birth control pill

On the off chance that an individual takes a next day contraceptive inside 72 hours of unprotected intercourse, it’s in reality quite powerful at forestalling pregnancy, says Dr. Minkin. There are still a few dangers. On the off chance that an individual stands by too long after unprotected sex to take it, it’s conceivable they will in any case wind up pregnant.

Dr. Minkin said, “On the off chance that you as of now have ovulated [when the sex occurs], a next day contraceptive may not work. It’s successful, however it’s not 100%. The measurements say roughly 7 out of 8 pregnancies will be forestalled when it is utilized accurately … In the event that you’ve had tha oh no second and you’re inside that 72 hours, for the most part you’ll be fine.”

The uplifting news is there’s as yet an approach to keep pregnancy from happening in the event that you take a next day contraceptive late. Dr. Minkin told judy, “In case you’re past that 72 hours, there is a professionally prescribed prescription — Ella or Ulipristal, that is affirmed as long as five days after unprotected sex. On the off chance that you call Planned Parenthood, they can help give you direction.”

Fantasy: You can’t get a next day contraceptive without a solution.

birth control and woman

For quite a while, this was in reality evident. In the United States, it wasn’t until August of 2006 that the pill got over the counter to individuals beyond 18 years old. It would be an additional seven years before it opened up to individuals, all things considered, in every one of the 50 states without a solution.

Dr. Minkin told judy, “The main thing I attempt to get across [to people] is that next day contraceptive is [now] accessible over the counter … It’s accessible at CVS, Duane Reade, any place [pharmacy].”

The International Consortium on Emergency Contraception reports that a next day contraceptive is promptly accessible over-the-counter in 60 nations around the world.

Fantasy: You can’t get pregnant during that first seven day stretch of taking contraception on the grounds that the chemicals are as of now in your body


Specialists who may urge their patients to utilize supplemental contraception, similar to a condom, during that first seven day stretch of beginning hormonal anti-conception medication. Be that as it may, since certain pills are supposed to be taking effect right now whenever taken inside five days of an individual’s feminine period, it’s not difficult to perceive any reason why they would figure they don’t have to stress over utilizing a condom.

As per Dr. Minkin, be that as it may, the motivation behind why specialists push for individuals to utilize a reinforcement technique in any case is on the grounds that human blunder is in every case likely. This ties straightforwardly into that measurement from the World Health Organization that says mistaken contraception use is one of the main sources of undesirable pregnancy.

Dr. Minkin told judy, “Individuals simply beginning the pill are not incredible at taking it consistently. We advise them to ensure they have a reinforcement technique to be additional safe.”

Fantasy: You can’t get pregnant in case you’re breastfeeding


With the goal for pregnancy to happen, the individual with an uterus needs to ovulate. This interaction occurs during the piece of the monthly cycle when certain chemical levels flood and animate. Nonetheless, when an individual is breastfeeding a youngster, their body builds prolactin creation, which hinders those ovulation chemicals. This is the reason numerous individuals accept they can’t get pregnant while they’re nursing an infant.

As per Dr. Streicher, in any case, ovulation can continue whenever. She told judy, “The facts confirm that ripeness is lessened, however it isn’t viewed as dependable anti-conception medication.” This is on the grounds that numerous individuals can’t tell when their cycle starts until they’ve encountered that first post-conveyance feminine period. Dr. Streicher said, “When they [the breastfeeding mother] has a period, that implies they’ve just ovulated.”

She likewise added that many individuals may wind up pair nursing, or breastfeeding two offspring of various ages since they can get pregnant soon after conceiving an offspring.

She said, “Basically, when somebody conveys, what we tell a breastfeeding mother is on the off chance that another pregnancy would be worthy to you, at that point you don’t mess with contraception. Yet, on the off chance that another pregnancy would not be adequate to you, at that point you do have to utilize contraception.”

Fantasy: IUDs aren’t justified, despite the potential benefits for forestalling pregnancy since they can cause disease

pregnant woman

Despite the fact that IUDs (intrauterine gadgets) have ascended in prevalence, a few people dread that having the gadget embedded in their uterus for quite a long time puts them in danger for contamination. Dr. Minkin said that the danger for creating contaminations on account of an IUD is quite low. The solitary special case would be during those initial not many weeks when its recently set up.

She told judy, “There is an expanded danger of pelvic contamination during those initial not many (2-3) weeks of having the IUD embedded, because of the control of the uterus … when you get past that, there is no expanded danger of the contamination.” truth be told, the IUD may even be useful in forestalling some pelvic diseases, as per Dr. Minkin.

She said, “The incredible thing about the IUD is the progestin in it can make the cervical bodily fluid antagonistic to sperm, and by and large the manner in which microscopic organisms makes it up into the uterus is by riding on the backs on the sperm. In this way, on the off chance that you make the climate unfriendly to sperm, you likewise make it antagonistic to the microorganisms who are riding in.”

Dr. Minkin added, “I urge everyone to utilize a condom, there is as yet that hazard [of STD infection] if it is anything but a monogamous circumstance. The IUD doesn’t shield you from getting gonorrhea or chlamydia in your cervix.”

Nicole Smith

Brasilll Healthy is your ultimate source for inspiration, empowerment, and creativity.

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