I Married Jason Kelce. Fame Changed How I Parent but I Refuse to Let It Affect My Marriage


Marrying a public figure like Jason Kelce, the well-known NFL player, brings about a unique set of challenges and rewards. While fame has inevitably influenced the way I approach parenting, I am steadfast in ensuring that it does not alter the core of our marriage. Here’s a glimpse into how fame has impacted our lives and the strategies we employ to maintain a strong and grounded relationship.

Navigating Parenting in the Spotlight

Parenting in the public eye is a delicate balancing act. The scrutiny that comes with being married to a famous athlete can be intense, and it requires a thoughtful approach to ensure our children are raised in a healthy and nurturing environment.

1. Privacy and Boundaries

One of the first lessons we learned was the importance of establishing clear boundaries:

  • Protecting Our Children’s Privacy: We are very selective about what we share on social media. Photos and personal details of our children are kept private to shield them from public scrutiny.
  • Setting Boundaries with the Public: It’s crucial to draw a line between public and private life. We have established firm boundaries to ensure that our family time remains sacred and undisturbed by external pressures.

2. Providing Normalcy

Despite the fame, our goal is to provide our children with as normal a childhood as possible:

  • Routine and Stability: We maintain a consistent daily routine to give our children a sense of stability. This includes regular family meals, bedtime routines, and weekend activities.
  • Encouraging Individuality: We encourage our children to pursue their own interests and passions, independent of their father’s fame. This helps them develop their own identities and self-confidence.

3. Teaching Resilience and Empathy

Living in the public eye has taught us the importance of resilience and empathy:

  • Handling Criticism: We prepare our children to deal with criticism and public opinion. Teaching them resilience helps them navigate any negative attention with grace and strength.
  • Empathy and Kindness: We emphasize the importance of empathy and kindness, both towards themselves and others. This instills a strong moral foundation and helps them understand the value of treating everyone with respect.

Maintaining a Strong Marriage Amid Fame

While fame has undeniably changed our parenting approach, we are committed to ensuring that it does not affect the essence of our marriage. Here are the principles we uphold to keep our relationship strong:

1. Prioritizing Communication

Open and honest communication is the cornerstone of our relationship:

  • Regular Check-ins: We make it a point to have regular check-ins with each other. This allows us to discuss any concerns, share our feelings, and stay connected amidst our busy schedules.
  • Active Listening: Listening to each other without judgment is crucial. We strive to understand each other’s perspectives and provide support whenever needed.

2. Quality Time Together

Spending quality time together helps us stay connected and nurture our bond:

  • Date Nights: We prioritize date nights, even if it means scheduling them around Jason’s hectic game schedule. This dedicated time helps us reconnect and enjoy each other’s company without distractions.
  • Shared Activities: Engaging in activities we both enjoy strengthens our connection. Whether it’s cooking together, hiking, or simply watching a movie, these moments of togetherness are invaluable.

3. Mutual Respect and Support

Respect and support are fundamental to our marriage:

  • Supporting Each Other’s Dreams: We are each other’s biggest cheerleaders. Whether it’s Jason’s career or my personal goals, we offer unwavering support and encouragement.
  • Respecting Individuality: While we are a team, we also respect each other’s individuality. Allowing each other space to pursue personal interests and hobbies enriches our relationship.

4. Keeping a Sense of Humor

Laughter truly is the best medicine:

  • Finding Humor in Everyday Life: We make it a point to find humor in everyday situations. Laughing together helps alleviate stress and keeps our relationship light-hearted and joyful.
  • Not Taking Ourselves Too Seriously: Amid the pressures of fame, it’s important to not take ourselves too seriously. Embracing the fun and silly moments strengthens our bond and keeps things in perspective.

5. Seeking Balance

Finding a balance between family, career, and personal time is key:

  • Setting Priorities: We regularly reassess our priorities to ensure we are dedicating time to what truly matters. This helps us stay focused on our relationship and family life.
  • Self-Care: Taking care of ourselves individually allows us to show up better for each other. We make time for self-care activities that rejuvenate and refresh us.


Marrying Jason Kelce and living a life in the public eye has brought about unique challenges, especially in the realm of parenting. However, by establishing clear boundaries, providing normalcy for our children, and teaching resilience and empathy, we strive to create a nurturing environment. Importantly, we are committed to ensuring that fame does not affect the core of our marriage. Through open communication, quality time, mutual respect, humor, and balance, we maintain a strong and loving relationship that continues to thrive despite the external pressures.

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