I Retrained as a Plumber After Being Laid Off From My Media Job and Becoming a Mom. I Love the Flexibility


In a world where job security can be elusive and career paths unpredictable, many individuals are finding fulfillment in unexpected places. One such story is that of a woman who, after being laid off from her media job and becoming a mother, decided to retrain as a plumber. This decision not only provided her with financial stability but also offered the flexibility she needed to balance her professional and personal life. Here is her inspiring journey.

From Media to Motherhood and Beyond

The Layoff and Its Aftermath

Losing a job is never easy, especially in a competitive field like media. For years, I had worked as a journalist, navigating the fast-paced and often unstable world of news. When I was laid off, it felt like my career had hit a dead end. Adding to the pressure, I had just become a mother, and the need for a stable income was more pressing than ever.

The Decision to Retrain

The idea of retraining as a plumber came to me somewhat unexpectedly. While considering various career options that offered stability and flexibility, I realized the trades sector was often overlooked but had a high demand for skilled workers. Plumbing, in particular, appealed to me because it combined hands-on work with problem-solving, two things I enjoyed.

The Path to Becoming a Plumber

Enrollment and Training

I enrolled in a local trade school, which offered a comprehensive plumbing program. The curriculum covered everything from basic pipefitting to advanced plumbing systems. The training was intensive but immensely rewarding. I found myself learning skills that were not only practical but also empowering.

Gaining Experience

After completing my training, I started working as an apprentice with a seasoned plumber. This on-the-job experience was invaluable. It allowed me to apply what I had learned in a real-world setting, troubleshoot issues, and develop a strong work ethic. The mentorship I received was crucial in building my confidence and expertise.

Certification and Starting My Own Business

With my training and apprenticeship complete, I obtained my plumbing certification. I decided to take the plunge and start my own plumbing business. This decision was driven by the desire for greater control over my schedule, allowing me to balance work with raising my child.

The Benefits of a Career in Plumbing

Flexibility and Work-Life Balance

One of the most significant advantages of being a plumber is the flexibility it offers. As a self-employed plumber, I can set my own hours and take on jobs that fit my schedule. This autonomy is particularly beneficial as a mother, allowing me to be present for important moments in my child’s life while maintaining a steady income.

Financial Stability

The financial stability that comes with a career in plumbing cannot be overstated. Skilled plumbers are in high demand, and the earning potential is substantial. This stability has alleviated much of the financial stress that accompanied my layoff, providing a secure future for my family.

Job Satisfaction and Empowerment

There is a unique satisfaction in completing a plumbing job and seeing the tangible results of your work. Whether it's fixing a leaky faucet or installing a new plumbing system, the impact is immediate and gratifying. Additionally, working in a field that is traditionally male-dominated has been empowering. It has challenged me to break stereotypes and serve as a role model for other women considering non-traditional careers.

Continuous Learning and Growth

The plumbing industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and techniques. This ensures that the work remains interesting and offers opportunities for continuous learning and growth. Staying updated with the latest advancements keeps me engaged and motivated.

Challenges and Overcoming Them

Physical Demands

Plumbing is physically demanding work. It involves lifting heavy materials, working in confined spaces, and sometimes dealing with unsanitary conditions. However, the physicality of the job has also been beneficial in keeping me active and fit.

Balancing Parenthood and Business

Running a business while being a parent is no small feat. It requires excellent time management and the ability to juggle multiple responsibilities. However, the flexibility of being self-employed has made it manageable. Setting priorities and maintaining a structured schedule has been key to balancing both roles effectively.

Breaking Stereotypes

As a woman in a male-dominated field, I have faced my share of skepticism and bias. However, demonstrating competence and professionalism has helped in earning the respect and trust of clients and peers alike. Each successful job helps in breaking down barriers and changing perceptions.

Inspiring Others

My journey from media professional to plumber has been transformative. It has taught me that it’s never too late to change careers and that finding fulfillment often means stepping outside your comfort zone. I hope my story inspires others, especially women, to consider the trades as a viable and rewarding career option.


Retraining as a plumber after being laid off from my media job and becoming a mom was a challenging but ultimately rewarding decision. The flexibility, financial stability, and job satisfaction I have found in this new career have made it all worthwhile. My story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of exploring new opportunities, no matter where you are in life.

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