How to Boil an Egg?


Boiling eggs to perfection is no rocket science. You simply have to follow the steps below if at all you do not know yet how to boil an egg.

Hard boil an egg

For hard boiling you have to choose eggs that are 4-5 days old. Fresh from farm eggs are not suitable for hard boiling.

  1. Wash eggs thoroughly to remove any stain or spots. If it was in the fridge, let it come to room temperature before boiling starts
  2. Pour water into a sauce pan to a couple of inches in depth and boil it in high heat
  3. Add a couple of pinches of salt into the boiling water
  4. Lower the flame and gently place eggs into the water in a single layer. You should not stack eggs while boiling. Let it boil in low flame
  5. Remove the sauce pan from the flame after 12-14 minutes based on the size of the eggs
  6. Let it cool in room temperature for 10-15 minutes before you can peel them

Your hard boiled eggs are ready! Do not overcook eggs beyond 15 minutes nor cook in high heat. The egg white can become really rubbery if you do so. Adding a pinch of salt while boiling helps to peel eggs easily and perfectly.

How to boil an egg – The Soft boil way?

A lot of people prefer soft boiled eggs due to the taste factor. For soft boiling fresh eggs are the best.

  1. Wash eggs thoroughly to remove any stain or spots
  2. Pour water into a sauce and simmer it for 2-3 minutes. The water needn’t boil
  3. Gently place cleaned eggs into the water after turning off the flame
  4. Let the eggs remain in hot water for 3-5 minutes and then take them out

Your soft boiled eggs are ready! Serve them lukewarm.

How long to boil an egg?

Hard boiling eggs take 12 to 15 minutes for medium to large eggs. If the eggs are extra large, give it 17-18 minutes of cooking time.

Soft boiling takes 3 minutes for medium sized eggs and up to 5 minutes for larger ones.

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