How to make a Small room look Bigger?


Small rooms can give you a feel of discomfort or being confined. Fortunately, there are ways to make a small room look bigger than it actually is and, more importantly, avoid the cramped feeling with a few things taken care of in its design. We are talking about those small room decorating ideas that work without changing the physical structure of the room.

Small room ideas

If you want to pick three differentiators that can affect the look and feel of the room dramatically they will be the (1) color scheme (2) lighting and (3) furniture selection.

Room color scheme

For bigger looks, you need always go with a mono-chromatic color scheme for your entire room. This includes your walls as well as furnishings. Pastel, cool and lighter shades that reflect light are what we are looking for here.

The curtains and furniture in the room should also use complementing light shades.

The room can look a bit longer, if you paint vertical stripes on the wall that’s opposite to the main entry door. Again, you have to choose a complementing light shade to paint stripes.

Ambient light

Allowing a lot of natural light to enter the room will make it look bigger. You need to consider larger windows and glass panes for a smaller room. Moreover, you need to make sure that the curtains and door frames do not obstruct light. Thin door frames and transparent curtains would work wonders.

Usage of mirrors – either wall fixed mirrors or large framed mirrors kept slanting on the wall and floor – will not only reflect more light but also add depth to a room.

Another way to improve the depth and continuity of a small room is to provide see through walls and partitions with adjacent rooms. This really makes a better comfort feel for anyone entering the small room.

When you pick lamps and shades for a small room, you have to choose things that divert your attention from the cramped floor space to the ceiling or sideways. Low hanging lamps, array of lamps in a line etc can help our cause.

Furniture and fittings

A small room cannot have the full set of furniture each of which is meant for an individual purpose. The idea should be to use combination furniture that do more than one task. E.g. Chest drawers with makeup mirrors or attached bookshelves would combine the needs and take lesser floor space.

For small rooms, one should look for moving as many furniture onto the wall and overhead but without obstructing lamp shades and natural lights. This type of furniture should be very light in color as well so that they do not actually make the room even smaller. Further, open furniture sets (e.g. open bookshelves and semi-open wardrobes) are highly suitable for small rooms and can enhance the depth. Corner units are another way to improve space and floor definition of the room.

When it comes to other accessories, you have to reduce the number of accessories but go for the right dimension. For example, instead of an array of small wall paintings, a single bigger painting centered on the wall will make the available wall space look bigger.

Usage of glass furniture such as glass dining table or center table is another way of creating a feel of free space than actually available while the furniture still serve the purpose.

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