How to Make your Boyfriend Love You Even More?


So you have found your perfect man after a lot of search and careful decision making. Now, You have got to make sure that he hangs on with you forever and love you with the same intensity that he showed during your first dates.

Here are some tips (and some technology assistance as well) to make your boyfriend love you more and want you more for the days and years to come.

How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You More?

Here you go with our tips…

  1. Make a surprise Romantic Date: Initiate yourself some surprise romantic date idea where the sole aim should be both of you relaxing, listening to each other, enjoying the topics that you love to discuss the most. Try to avoid discussing problematic areas (past love life, work issues) and listen to him more than you talk yourself. If you are thinking of a picnic, read Romantic picnic ideas for couples. Needless to say, if the place happens to be his favorite place, he will definitely love you for what you came up with
  2. Show how much you care for him: Boys love to be pampered in a different way than girls. Supporting him in troubled situations (job loss, difficult issues in the family, studies etc) would make him love you more. It is also important that you remember and act accordingly on those days that are important to him (e.g. someone’s memorial day)
  3. Understand him and act accordingly: Nobody’s perfect and so is your boyfriend. He may be having specific tastes, hobbies, behavioral practices and other things that you may not like. But just be with him, accompany him in his ventures and accept him as he is for him to accept and love you back. Certain things will be always different and both of you will figure that out in due course
  4. Give him his personal space: Don’t keep nagging and questioning him all the time for silly things. There may be times when he wants his privacy and consider that as just a timeout
  5. Surprise gifts: Gifts always get love in return regardless of the gender. To your boyfriend, it can be little things that he love, flattery or just a surprise kiss in public that will boost his male pride. Another idea would be giving him calling him some sugary pet names off which you can fix on one name that he likes the most, after several trials that is
  6. Do something funny together: Playing a prank together, reading a rated joke or even watching hilarious comedy video clips etc will increase the love and bonding. Believe me, it is even worth gossiping a litle bit about people that you both know well
  7. Work on your appearance: Boys love pretty things for sure. It’s always good for you to be at your groomed best whenever he meets you
  8. Give him surprise calls: People are restricting themselves to texting, chat, Facebook etc these days. Instead of those, just pick the phone and talk to him once in a while and make sure that you don’t do that several times a day so and he gets annoyed. Make sure that you don’t make it a prolonged call, end it with a phone kiss so that he keeps remembering you till the next time you meet or he is home
  9. Share your daily summaries: Based on the frequency of your meeting, make sure that you narrate your day or days or week to him and also encourage him to do the same without sounding artificial. It is very important that you both know pretty much everything about each other on a daily basis
  10. iPhone App: if you are an iPhone user, please try this How to Make Your Boyfriend Love You app. You should be 17-years or older to download the same

I am sure these tips are of practical use to keep your bond, trust and love going on a high all the time.

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