Anti aging Foods, Vegetables and Fruits


Anti aging creams, lotions and other products are probably the wrong way to fight the aging process as they basically hide it rather than maintaining healthy cells in your body. In fact, there are a number of food items that when used on a daily basis can be the best anti-aging solution ever that make a 45 year old middle aged person look like a 25 year old youngster.

Have you noticed that people from certain ethnicity look much younger than others around the world? The reason is the kind of ingredients (e.g. ginger, turmeric etc) they have as part of their daily cooking as well as food intake.

Top 25 Anti-Defying food items to help slow down aging

Here is the list of the top 25 food items that are known for their role in the anti aging process.

Anti aging Vegetables and leaves

1. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain Lycopene which protects your skin from oxidation and hence an excellent food – in whatever form – to slow down the aging and wrinkling of your skin due to harsh sun. Tomatoes are also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin A which further add to the cause.

2. Spinach
As an excellent source of Vitamin K, spinach, keeps your bones strong and keeps your eyes with sparkling good vision even in the late middle ages.

3. Egg plants
The purple pigment in the skin of egg plants is very rich in Anthocyanin which is a very powerful anti-oxidant. Decreasing oxidation is one of the key aspects of natural anti-aging methods.

4.Leafy vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, watercress and turnips helps the body fight toxins and hence cancer. Leafy vegetables are best taken raw or very lightly steamed or stir fried so as to preserve all their goodness.

5. Green beans
Almost all types of beans – green beans, white beans, kidney beans etc – are rich in phytochemicals and fiber to help you keep young apart from being good providers of protein.

Anti aging fruits

6. Watermelon
Apart from keeping you hydrated melons also contain good amount of vitamins to keep you nourished. Even better is the melons with their seeds blended in your juice as they contain zinc, selenium and essential fats that helps against aging. The skin of the cucumbers is loaded with silica that helps in mending wrinkles and accelerates collagen production.

7. Avocado
Avocados are probably the top in the list of good anti aging fruits because they contain plenty of good fats that helps to build good cholesterol in your blood.

8. Apricots
Apricots are loaded with potassium and beta carotenes which are essential for cardiovascular health and anti-aging of the skin.

9. Berries
Blackberries, blueberries, blackcurrant and black grapes are rich in Cyanidin (flavonoics) and hence are extremely good to slow down the oxidation process. Other berries and cherries are extremely good anti oxidants as well along with the commonly found colorful small fruits.

10. Blood Oranges
Just like the case of egg plants, the purple skinned fruits – especially blood oranges – are good as well due to the Anthocyanin anti-oxidant content.

Anti-aging Spices

11. Ginger
Ginger is an essential ingredient in Indian and far-eastern daily cooking and it’s very good in promoting digestion and improving blood circulation. Please note that slowing down oxidation and improving blood circulation are two of the biggest aspects of anti-aging and ginger plays a big role here.

12. Garlic
Garlic can make your mouth smell that some people are allergic to but it protects your body from heart diseases and colon cancer. Daily use or garlic can control your blood pressure and also known for thinning the blood which reduces the risks associated with heart diseases.

13. Turmeric
Turmeric has multiple health advantages. Firstly it’s known to be a germ fighter and hence prevents you from falling sick – especially respiratory issues and stomach infections. Turmeric is rich in Curcumin – an antioxidant – that can prevent Alzheimer’s.

If you can’t get all those good anti aging spices separately, get some tasty curry powder that contains most of them and have curry as part of your meal three to four times a week.

14. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is another natural anti-aging supplement that helps reducing triglycerides and bad cholesterol. Cinnamon is also known for its benefits for curbing diabetes.

15. Lemon Grass
Lemon grass is supposed to be the biggest cancer (especially colon cancer) fighter ever and also a pain reducer against various strains, spasms, cramps and rheumatism. Lemon grass is a must have ingredient in Thai style of cooking.

Other anti aging foods

16. Dark chocolate
Chocolate is probably the most loved food item across all age groups around the world. Eating moderate quantities of dark chocolate has proven to fight aging due to the cell-protecting flavanols and prevent heart diseases due to other antioxidants found in cocoa.

Almonds are so rich in Vitamin E that daily consumption of the same can keep your skin glowing longer than that of your friends of your age. Almonds are best consumed raw though you can use them in desserts and stir-fried food items.

18. Walnuts
Walnuts are rich in essential minerals such as potassium, magnesium, zinc and also copper, iron and selenium. Walnuts and brazi nuts helps improving your immunity and promotes the proper functioning of your digestive system. Proper quantity of nuts in your meals can provide fibers that your body need to cut down on bad cholesterol though excess intake of nuts can be bad for you.

19. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds contain selenium which is considered to be a powerful anti aging anti-oxidant. It has also proven to be an anti-cancer food.

20. Soy
Almost all soy products probably except the soy sauce is good for health and are powerful anti aging foods. Soy beans and soy milk contain isoflavones that helps in lowering cholesterol. Soy food are in particular good for slow down aging in women and prolong their feminine beauty as they are very good source of plant-based estrogen.

21. Olive oil
Start cooking in olive oil today. Olive oil contains natural anti-inflamatory ingredients such as oleocanthal helps in slowing down the aging process. Olive oil for cooking purpose was practiced mainly by the Mediterranean people but it slowly spread to all over the world in the last century or so primarily due to its health benefits.

22. Yogurt
Yogurt is more of a daily supplement for your growth and health that provides you calcium, potassium, protein and vitamins. What differentiates yogurt from other milk products is the fact that they are so easily digested due to the good bacteria content in them.

23. Red wine
Red wine probably the only alcoholic drink that is so rich in several anti-oxidants such as flavanoids and resveratrol. On top of slowing down oxidation, resveratrol is said to limit any tumor growth in the body there by preventing cancer. However, you aren’t supposed consume more than a glass or so per day so that you don’t end up becoming an alcoholic. The red wine seems to be the reason behind the health of French people who go heavy on meat based food every day but accompanied by a glass of red wine.

24. Green tea
Drinking a couple of cups of green tea can help you live longer and how? Green tea probably has the highest levels of anti-oxidants that help the body remove free radicals. Green tea is also said to be good for the overall wellbeing of humans as it prevents arthritis, asthma, various forms of cancers and cardiovascular diseases. Green tea was considered a health drink even 4000 years ago with its roots going back to China.

25. Plenty of water
Though it’s advised that an average human needs to consume 8 glasses of water a day, it could be as high as 10 or 12 glasses for normal people and much more for sportsmen and fitness enthusiasts. Water helps balance body hydration, helps your circulatory system, helps pushing toxins out of your body and hence helps your skin glow. There is NO replacement for water and nothing as effective as clear and clean water!

I hope this mother-of-all anti aging food list helps retaining your health and slowing down the aging process. We have compiled this list from the best anti aging food ingredients from the Chinese, Indian, French, Thai and Mediterranean origins.

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